Monday, March 10, 2014

Introducing The Bikram Diaries: Inhale and Begin!

"There is no such thing as the perfect yoga posture. It does not exist. You can't be a black belt yogi. That's why it's called yoga practice. It's always an active stretch; a pursuit of self-improvement. If you're no longer pushing, you're no longer doing yoga. 

Everyone has a different entry point, so don't compare. Whether it's your first day or first year, it's the same journey. Just practice. Show up. Stay in the room. Find your limit. Push against it. Make each millimeter count. And every day, you will leave class feeling a little bit different."

- Wise words shared by Chris and Megan during Savasana

(Launching into Standing Bow. Please forgive Dawn for the wrong grip. She was distracted.)

We are so excited to start this blog, where we will track posture progress, list down life lessons, and hopefully inspire a few readers along the way. We are three Bikram beginners - take note: BEGINNERS - still working on locking our knees, sucking in our tummies, and remembering to breathe.

The three of us - Sheng, Dawn, and Mara - are friends and officemates with 9-5 jobs in the bustling business district of Makati. We have about as many potential excuses as anyone: deadlines, bosses, traffic, sleep-deprivation, errands, PMS, families, pets, boylets...things to do, places to go, and people to see! But we made a commitment this year: to stick it out! And in the words of our instructor Dax, to see what "100% commitment to yourself looks like." It's a juggling act, but that's what our Bikram quest is all about - finding balance. In every sense of the word.

This blog is our way of cheering each other on and sharing our discoveries. We may not be the best source for expert information on Bikram, but if you need some positivity, serenity, or just motivation for your year-on-year struggle to keep that ONE fitness resolution, then we might be a good read.

The three of us bring very different issues and POVs to the table, or, well, to the mat. 

Sheng is proud to say she's after the physical health benefits of Bikram. And those benefits are outstanding! Not only can you lose weight (burning up to 500 calories per session), you improve flexibility, gain strength, shake out stress, straighten your spine, and (Sheng swears by this) sleep better.

Sheng is unwavering in her commitment. She makes it to class come hell or high water! (Always better to be a buzzer-beater than a no-show!) She will be documenting her personal journey toward a healthier, stronger, trimmer version of her wonderful self. Plus, she will be taking the practice with her as she travels for work and leisure throughout the year. Check out some of her existing posts on her personal blog, Barrio Girl in the Big City.

Dawn, on the other hand, is more keen on the mental and spiritual promise of the practice. At this point in her soul-searching-drama-filled twenties, she's looking for some stability and hoping to come a little closer to finding her center. She's particularly good at taking mental notes during Savasana (which means, she's not quite doing the posture correctly. "Quiet your mind.") and remembering the instructor's little nuggets of wisdom. Verbatim.

When life gives you lemons, be a nerd about it and make them into metaphors. Dawn will be attempting to realign her shoulders, hips, and priorities. And as instructor Megan has advised, she will work on deepening her back bend and lifting her chest in order to "strengthen her spine and open her heart." (Read: building confidence and re-entering the single world.)

Finally, meet Mara. She has dubbed herself the "Misantropic Yogini", who [used to be] the expert procrastinator -- known to have the best possible no-to-Bikram excuses. This might make her the most relatable blogger among us! We all start there, but of course Mara is now a changed woman. Game face on. CHALLENGE ACCEPTED. She and Dawn are currently undertaking the 30 Day Challenge, and Mara is dead set on finishing.

Mara is also the social media queen - as this is her true area of expertise - so get ready for her awesome yoga tweets, trivia, #EarnYourSelfies, and thinspiration pins. She plans to mix it up later in the year; pairing Bikram with cardio, etc., and experimenting with yoga-compatible diets.

The important thing to note is that the three of us are beginners. If we can do it, you can do it! Or if it isn't Bikram for you, then whatever it is you're hesitant to try. Above all, we want this blog to be fun! And full of "happy smiling faces".

As our instructors like to send us off, "Enjoy the rest of the evening! Drink lots of water, eat good food, and keep good company!" Precisely our intention.

If you're thinking about giving it a try, but you're intimidated by something you've heard ("It's madness. What kind of person wants to work out for 90 minutes in a pressure cooker?!"), then read up! Here's a great intro to Bikram, and you can check out Bikram Yoga Manila Makati where we practice! 


The Bikram Diaries: Lights on TOMORROW!

Just like my yoga practice. A few years back I was just interested to live a healthier lifestyle. But it waned when distractions happen that are more fun, and give instant gratification.

In 2014, I made a commitment that I will go to class no matter what. Mind you, I've seen myself did a mad rush to the studio beating the buzzer before the last class starts.

Practicing yoga (almost everyday) does not get easy. It only becomes easier. Today, I was able to interlace my fingers under my foot for the standing head to knee. I'm so ecstatic because it's one of the hardest postures for me. 


The Bikram Diaries: And Hold for 5, 4, 3, 2 Days!

The Bikram Diaries: Push, Push, and Push in 3 Days!

It's so easy to just give up when it requires so much effort and commitment. Personally, I tend to slack off and to some extent just throw in the towel.

In Bikram Yoga, you'd learn that you can do more than what you think your limit is.

You just need to push, push and push some more. And you'll realize it can be life changing.

Journey with us. We share our practice, life lessons and discoveries of and in our ourselves soon!


Friday, March 7, 2014

The Bikram Diaries: Heads Above Our Hearts in 4 Days!

Our teacher asks: "What are you running from? What are you avoiding?
Maybe there's something you can't get rid of, maybe there's a semblance of something or someone you left behind..." 

The Sarvasana (or corpse pose) may very well be the most non-confrontational confrontation you can have with yourself. Forcing you to silence your fears, your anxieties, and your pains to achieve a quiet mind.

"So whatever it is, whatever you're running from - let it go.
Until you do, the posture hasn't even begun."

More heart-strengthening lessons soon! 
And for now, LET IT GO. *cue Elsa and northern lights*


The Bikram Diaries: Stepping on All Five Fingers in 5 Days!

My least favorite postures are the balancing poses. Sometimes I wobble, more often than not I fall down. But sometimes, you have to fall to keep your balance. To gain your balance, you have to be grounded. Step on your fingers, feel the earth (or mat) beneath you, and soon you'll be able to stand on one foot, knee locked, chest high. More yoga wisdom in 5 days!


Monday, March 3, 2014

The Bikram Diaries: Happy Smiling Faces in 7 Days!

When they say "relax your face" during yoga class, I know they're talking to me.

I tend to wear a very serious expression and hold my breath when postures get tough. And I realize I do the same thing I get stressed at work, at home, or wherever.

"Try hard, but not so hard that you forget to breathe... and smile," they say at the studio. If you can bend, twist, and compress your body into a "Japanese ham sandwich" in a 40.6°C room, concentrate on your form, push till it hurts, regulate your breathing--and yet STILL manage a "happy smiling face"... you'll begin to think there's nothing in this life you can't handle. 

 More life lessons learned on the mat coming soon!

- Dawn

The Bikram Diaries: Inhale belly 8 days

Let go. Forget about anything. Just focus on one spot on the ceiling as you lie down and just rest. Do absolute nothing for two minutes.

Let's do it together. Yoga is best done as a community. So, see you in 8 days.
Inhale belly rises...

- Sheng

Saturday, March 1, 2014

The Bikram Diaries: So you think you can do Yoga?

So you think you can do Yoga? Of course you can! If I, sedentary, lazy, morose person, can do it, so can you! Read all about my misadventures as the misantrophic yogini on! Locking our knees in 9 days

- Mara